The 2018 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition isn’t just the industry’s signature show — it’s an all-encompassing, immersive and global conference experience like no other. Here you’ll join top utility CEOs and some of the world’s brightest engineers in discovering the latest T&D products, ideas and innovations leading the industry forward toRead More

Professionals from all over the world attend to network, learn, advance their organizational mission and to participate in the largest wind energy exhibition in the Western Hemisphere. More major product announcements and exciting releases happen here, than at any other wind energy industry event. http://www.windpowerexpo.org GlobeCore and GC Technologies will also have a booth inRead More

In our constant effort to provide a superior product with exceptional service, we are pleased to announce the opening of our new sales office and service center, complete with technicians and inventory, in the USA. Our new dealer, Dave Wilson, with GC Technologies, at 1110 Paige St, Houston, Texas 77003, 713-699-3388, [email protected], 713-202-7983 (cell) isRead More

GlobeCore GmbH invites specialists of the power industry and everyone interested in innovations in electrical power industry to take part in our seminar on “Purification and regeneration of industrial oils”. The event will take place in Oldenburg (Germany) on September 27 at Edewechter Landstrasse, 173. The program of the seminar covers the problems of industrialRead More
NEW DESIGN OF OIL PURIFIER СММ-2Н! (Horizontal, light series)Please be informed that GlobeCore put in production the mobile oil station SMM-2H to remove contamination from insulation oil as well as for thermo-vacuum dehydration and degassing. Advantages Compact design Cost effective Semi automatic mode Very silent-no injection pump, oil is pumped by means of vacuum Booth with a new sealing Advanced painting LessRead More
GLOBECORE’S EQUIPMENT FOR CHANGING OIL IN GEARBOXES OF WIND TURBINES ON WIND FARMSHistory of wind turbines Wind turbines have been used in farms for a long time. In the 1st century AD Greek engineer from Alexandria created wind-driven wheel to power a machine. Then in 7th to 9th century wind mill were used in Iran to grind corn, grind flour, and pump water. By 1000 AD windmillsRead More

May 13, 2017, another GlobeCore plant was successfully put into operation. In Lahore (Pakistan), a CMM-4/7 unit serviced the power transformers through heating, drying, cleaning, degassing and nitriding of the insulating oil. This equipment can provide ISO 4406 cleanliness class – / 14/12 of industrial oil. It also achieves moisture content by weight below 5Read More

During 2 days, May 3-4 in Quito (Ecuador), GlobeCore held a seminar presenting its equipment The event was attended by representatives of the electricity industry from many countries, including Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica and El Salvador. The seminar covered the following questions: General information about GlobeCore; Modern technologies in cleaning and regeneration ofRead More

May 3-4, 2017 in Quito (Ecuador), GlobeCore presented a seminar on cleaning and regeneration of transformer oil. The event was attended by representatives of companies from electricity sector of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and other countries. On the first day the participants were presented with our company’s achievements in transformerRead More

April 10, 2017 GlobeCore specialists started up a CMM-4/7 unit in Tallinn (Estonia). This equipment is used by business engaged in installation, repair and operation of power transformers for degassing and filtration of insulating oil. Also, the units can be used to heat oil-filled electrical appliances with hot oil, for vacuum dehydration and evacuation ofRead More

Filter for compressor. Compressors are designed to compress air. They have special filters, which protect both the mechanisms of compressors and the gas used in the systems. The filter is selected according to the type of compressor. Let’s look at the most common types of filters. Air filters are used to protect the compressor airRead More

Substation. Modern electrical supply involves electrical engineering that controls complex high speed physical processes that can result in damage of equipment and facilities. To ensure reliable operation of transformer substations automatic control relays and automatic load shedding schemes are used. Modern technologies provide automated computer control systems. However, simple technologies are still widely used inRead More

Compressor oil. The principle of operation of screw compressor has been known for 120 years, but the widespread application of these devices began only in recent decades. Initially screw compressors had low efficiency and high cost of rotors. But scientists kept working to eliminate these shortcomings, and in time their efforts were rewarded with success.Read More
Drying of silica gelSilica gel occupies a special place among adsorbents used industrially. Its application exceeds zeolites and aluminum oxide. Silica gel has greater thermal stability and physical strength than other absorbers, such as activated charcoal. Thanks to its good hydrophilic properties, it is very valuable for drying air, oxygen, chlorine, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. Also, silicaRead More
Kinematic viscosity of oilAnalyzing the parameters of industrial oil, one often sees reference to “kinematic viscosity of oil”, which raises a question about the difference between viscosity and its kinematic value. Let’s try to understand. Kinematic viscosity is calculated as the ratio of dynamic viscosity to density. The physical meaning of kinematic viscosity can be shown by theRead More

Waste oil is polluted with ferromagnetic impurities from wear of joints and parts of metal working machines that get into the lubrication system during operation. They are removed from the oil by magnetic filters. Magnetic filters capture ferromagnetic metal particles as small as 0.4 micron that are difficult to remove with other oil filters. MagneticRead More

A transformer consists of magnetic coils placed in a tank filled with transformer oil. The transformer oil acts as a cooling medium for the windings and magnetic circuit through the tank walls and the radiator. 30+ kVA power transformers have increased cooling capacity by using ribbed wall design for tanks or tubular tanks. The expansionRead More

Waste oil is a dangerous industrial waste that has a negative impact on the environment and human health. Therefore, after the loss of performance properties, it should be collected (collection of waste oil) and recycled or reused for its original purpose after appropriate treatment. Collection of waste oil starts with draining of oil-filled systems andRead More

Substation Map. Electrical substations are used for voltage conversion in long-distance transmission of electricity. The consumer does not need 6 or 10 kilovolts, and the voltage must be reduced to 0.4 kV. Substations are serviced by power generation and transmission companies, which usually deal with hundreds of substations and coordinate the work of many peopleRead More

February 7-9, 2017 Bahrain International Exhibition Centre hosted a Gulf Industry Fair 2017. The fair was held in Manama (the capital of Kingdom of Bahrain) and brought together the leading manufacturers of equipment for energy industry, environmental protection, metallurgy, etc. The exhibition was first held in 2008. Since then it was visited by more thanRead More

GlobeCore strives to participate in all possible projects to replace traditional energy sources with alternatives. Some of the services GlobeCore offers our clients is the sales of equipment to process electrical insulation oil and servicing power transformers, as well as rentals of this equipment. It was the latter option that was chosen by one ofRead More

On 10-12 August GlobeCore’s representative Frank May visited Harare, Zimbabwe and made several presentations of the company’s products. The topics discussed during presentations were the reasons for transformer oil degradation and transformer failures. The presentations included both the latest GlobeCore products and the products well known in the market. One of the new units presentedRead More

Transformer oil today is the most widely used dielectric in electrical equipment. The main function of this oil is electrical insulation and dissipation of heat from transformer core, as well as insulation of cables and capacitors. The dielectric strength of insulation oil is defined by the chemical composition of the oil and the presence ofRead More

Our company always strives to keep abreast of latest trends in the power generation sector. This approach allows us to follow the newest technologies to improve our equipment and solve practical problems. To be more involved with the wind power industry, GlobeCore joined the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). This decision stems from the workRead More

Heaters for transformer oil are needed to commission a transformer in the cold season and during the first or repeated commissioning of transformers. They can work both independently and as a part of the oil filtering systems. The heaters are some of the most important elements of the regeneration system, and greatly influence the dielectricRead More

In the middle of November, a GlobeCore equipment presentation was held in Oldenburg for visitors from Ethiopia. The guests were able to see the equipment for purification and regeneration of various oil types, solid insulation drying and power transformer vacuum evacuation, as well as equipment for purification and clarification of fuel. Even more time wasRead More

GlobeCore is a member of the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), and always tries to find solutions to the urgent problems in the industry. Among the tasks are: increasing reliability and extending service life of wind turbine transformers. These transformers convert the voltage of turbine generators for power lines. They are positioned within the towerRead More
Optional Components for Metering in Oil Purification EquipmentDear colleague! I’m frequently asked about the extra components put in GlobeCores’s oil filtration systems to measure different values. So please read my report to know what our purifiers set with for your comfortable oil treatment. 1.Contamination Sensor The Contamination Sensor is an online fluid sensor for permanent monitoring of particle contamination in fluids. TheRead More

Surge tank is a special container connected to the high voltage transformer tank. It is designed to compensate for oil volume changes occurring under the influence of temperature. Reducing the area of contact between insulating liquid and the air is an additional function, which protects insulating liquid from premature aging. Usually surge tanks are installedRead More

Typically, any power transformer includes a closed core and two or more electric windings under electric current. During operation, transformer insulation is exposed to an electric field which is equivalent to nominal operating voltage. There is also a possibility of occurrence of short surges as a result of grid switching, emergency conditions or lightning strikes.Read More

The basic purpose of turbine oils is cooling and lubrication of bearings of various turbo units that include gas and steam turbines, hydraulic turbines, turbo-compressor machines, etc. In addition, this oil can be used in turbine control systems as operating fluid. It is also known to be used in hydraulic and circulation systems of industrialRead More

GlobeCore offers a wide variety range of products for purification, filtration, degassing and regeneration of waste liquids, including transformer oil. Depending on the degree of oil contamination and the general requirements to transformer oil, a facility selects to implement purification systems either with the minimal range of purification components, or versatile, comprehensive units to serviceRead More

The density of transformer oil belongs to the most important of its physical characteristics, which largely determine the quality of the oil and its performance. Density of transformer oil depends on the manufacturer. But basically, this number can not exceed 900 kg/m3 at 20°C. Based on the scientific definitions, density is the ratio of theRead More

To ensure reliable and efficient operation of power grids and not clutter everything with cables, we use different systems, one of which is the oil-filled power transformer. With its ability to convert energy using conductors of small size, this an indispensable system in the power and production industries. Oil filled transformers are arranged in suchRead More
Advanced PLC regulation of GlobeCore’s Oil Purification ProcessDear workfellows! In this message I tried to describe types of control devices, which are used in GlobeCore’s oil purification equipment. You can select desired option for your convenience as well as for your company finance availability. Why PLC control is so good? – Connecting of all sensors on one device – Monitoring of allRead More

August this year, our company visited the city of Quito (Ecuador), to start up a СММ-12R plant. The startup was preceded by a test run, which demonstrated good results with reduced dielectric loss tangent of 0,7% at 90° C (initial value at 11%) and increase of breakdown voltage to 80 kV. The main feature ofRead More

A transformer substation is a special unit which transformers (step up or step down) voltage in electric grids and distributes electricity. Substations usually include: switchboard; power transformers; automation and relay protection devices; auxiliary devices. There are several classifications of transformer substations, due to the variety of classifying attributes. Depending on the specifics of voltage transformation,Read More

Cubicle switchboard is a special unit for receiving and distributing electricity. It includes connecting devices, connecting buses, collecting buses, measurement devices, relay protection and automation devices. Cubicle switchboards can be installed both indoors and outdoors. They are most often used to power vessels, oil and gas facilities, in electrical substations etc. The cubicle is usuallyRead More

Pole-mounted transformer substations usually consist of one 25 – 250 kVA transformer. Their main purpose is to take AC power and transform it to AC power of a different voltage. This type of equipment powers oil and gas field sites, agricultural facilities, residential buildings and low-power industrial facilities. The substations appear as welded structures withRead More
Presentation of new bitumin emulsion production equipment in BulgariaOn October 18-24, 2015 Globecore has presented its new equipment in several cities of Bulgaria (Sophia, Plovdiv, Ruse, Blagoevgrad, etc). In particular, the following equipment has been presented: Plants for production of bitumen emulsions; Plants for modification of bitumen with polymers; Laboratory equipment. Presentations were attended by both management of road-building companies and engineers. GlobecoreRead More

Transformer oil is a mineral oil product widely used in power industry. It is used in transformers, reactive components and oil-filled switches. Transformer oil isolates energized parts, dissipates heat and protects solid insulation from moisture. The insulation characteristics of this material are well described by the so called dielectric strength. It depends on the presenceRead More

Commercial property for storage of flammable and combustible oil-products with a flash point up to 230ºС can be divided into two groups: independent units (enterprise); structural units of another enterprise. Independent storage facilities include reception, and equipment for storage and distribution of oil-products to consumers. They are called tank farms. Tank farms are usually locatedRead More

Vacuum units for transformers is special equipment used to remove air from transformer tank. It also absorbs surface moisture and gas of transformer active part, improving its insulation performance. All 150-750 kV voltage transformers are subjected to vacuuming dehydration. Prior to vacuum process – a tank should go through a leakage test: a vacuum notRead More

GlobeCore completed development, production and testing of the CMM-0.6 units. This new unit was developed to meet the demand for smaller transformer oil degassing units. Beside degassing, this unit can be used for pumping the oil and removing particulate matter and water. The processing rate of the unit is 0.6 m3/hour. The CMM-0.6 has aRead More

On June 11-12, 2016 GlobeCore engineers have commissioned a CMM-4/7 degassing plant and BV-1000 vacuum unit at one of the new Kuwaiti transformer substations (Al Kuwait). The practice of commissioning modules consisting of several units is not so rare in electric power industry and is perfectly justified. In this case, it helps to resolve severalRead More

The first prototype of turbine oil appeared, probably, with the introduction of the first steam turbine. This was more than 90 years ago. At that time a steam turbine consisted of a steam turbine engine with rotating elements. The main function of this device was to make thermal energy into mechanical work. For connection ofRead More

June 2016: the GlobeCore delegation visited Windhoek (Namibia), where several presentations of the company’s equipment were held. The presentations were attended by representatives of Namibian electricity sector and guests from other African countries. The guests were introduced to GlobeCore equipment for cleaning insulating oil, as well as equipment for atmospheric air drying and drying ofRead More

June 1, 2016: GlobeCore held a presentation of technology and equipment for the guests from Bulgaria in Oldenburg. The program of the event included an introduction to the history of our company, a discussion of oil purification equipment characteristics, as well as an operation demonstration of oil filtering systems at the GlobeCore International Training Centre.Read More
Lubrication oil of turbines, problems and solutionsThe main object of turbines – is the generation of electricity at power plants. Rotation of the turbine is made by means of water, steam, gas, wind or nuclear energy. The turbines at thermal power plants have different design and power from 500 to 1500 kW. Generally powerful steam turbine speed is 3000 revolutions perRead More

The question of transformer oil storage life rises when the product has been in storage for certain reasons for a certain amount of time and has not been in use. It is desirable to use a product which has been paid for with minimum extra costs. There are certain reservations in case of using transformerRead More

Transformer oil which is used in high-power transformers with voltage over 110kV, must be pre-cleaned and dehydrated. For these tasks, adsorption method is commonly used. It is based on the use of special substances (sorbents) to absorb moisture. Sorbents can be either natural (natural deposits) or artificial (produced commercially). Zeolite crystals have a highly developedRead More

The article considers the reasons of hydraulic drives failure at industrial plants. A smooth operation of such equipment depends on the purity class of working fluid. In recent years there has been an increase in power of modern drives, which increases the requirements not only to a drive itself, but also to its hydraulic oil.Read More

During oil recovery and purification in power transformers , an emergency situations can happen, that would require the equipment to be switched off and can lead to financial loss. On the basis of this, GlobeCore manufactures safety system connecting oil filtration units to transformers (TSS). This equipment is used by enterprises that are engaged inRead More

Substation – an electrical installation used for the purpose of conversion and distribution of electric energy. It includes transformers, protection and control devices, switchgear and measuring devices. Power consumption and distance from power supply differentiate following types of substations: central step-down, in-depth input and transformer point. Nodal substation is a central substation for 110-220 kW.Read More

Complete transformer substation (CTP) – is a complex multi-component station which is used to convert electricity. Step-up power voltage CTP are usually used in companies engaged in the generation of electrictricity. Step-down power voltage stations are located in populated areas and near industrial facilities and railways. Basic components of CTP are one or more powerRead More
Dear fellows! Let me introduce new development of Sorbent Reactivation Unit CMM-4RP!GlobeCore continue to widen range of produced equipment. This time I would like to represent Sorbent Reactivation Unit, which is designed to restore the properties of the waste sorbent (fuller’s earth, bleaching clay) used in sorbent cartridges oil filtering equipment UVR-450. Capacity Capacity,300 kg/24 hours Time for sorbent reactivation -20 hours Sorbent Losses %, –Read More

GlobeCore equipment is always effective, convenient and practical. Its additional features are not often in broad view because the focus is always on the main points. Therefore, in this article we will talk about the options of GlobeCore oil degassing equipment, which complement the commercially available models perfectly. GlobeCore oil degassing unit equipped with GSM-module.Read More

Maritime industry power systems are large systems with complex hierarchical structures. The failure of one element leads to break-down of all the whole structure. And first of all this applies to power transformers. They make power systems reliable, functioning and providing adequate power quality to electrical objects. The causes of failure of power and oil-filledRead More

Dear colleagues, partners and friends! We are pleased to inform you that from now – GlobeCore service support and equipment maintenance, become more accessible and interactive. A new service center of our company opened in US. New office address is: 1750-H Dickinson Ave (FM 1266) Dickinson, TX, 77539. Contact numbers: + 1-713-429-1616 and + 1-713-828-7877.Read More

TRANSFORMER OIL PURIFIER CMM-4/7 Capacity m3/h: • 4 m3/hour (degassing, drying and filtration) • 7 m3/hour (heating and filtration Photo 1 of GlobeCore’s CMM-4/7 (stationary on legs) USE • This oil processing system is designed for degassing, cleaning from mechanical impurities, drying and hating of the oil for power transformers with voltage up to 1150Read More

On 17 Decembe 2015, GlobeCore engineers successfully commissioned an automated Mojave Heat Hot Air Drying unit in Oman. The Mojave Heat is designed to dehydrate atmospheric air and reduce its dew point to between -50ºC and -70ºС and to remove particulate matter from that air. The Mojave Heat can be used during installation and repairsRead More

On December 3, 2015 GlobeCore employees successfully completed the commissioning of a new GlobeCore CMM-4D oil degassing unit in Uganda. The main advantage of the CMM-4D is its versatility. With the CMM-4D unit you can perform the following operations: purification of insulating oil by removing mechanical impurities (filtration fineness is 5 microns), water and gases;Read More

On 15 November 2015, in the city of El Paso, Texas, USA, GlobeCore employees completed the commissioning and start-up of a new GlobeCore CMM-12R oil regeneration unit. This CMM-12R unit is designed for the complete regeneration of dielectric transformer insulating oil by removing moisture, contaminants and dangerous acids. The GlobeCore CMM-12R unit processes insulating oilRead More

On October 18-24, 2015 Globecore has presented its new equipment in several cities of Bulgaria (Sophia, Plovdiv, Ruse, Blagoevgrad, etc). In particular, the following equipment has been presented: Plants for production of bitumen emulsions; Plants for modification of bitumen with polymers; Laboratory equipment. Presentations were attended by both management of road-building companies and engineers. GlobecoreRead More

Clean Marine plant (capacity 4 m3/h) was successfully launched on July, 5 at an offshore drilling platform 250 km off the coast of Nigeria. Electrical equipment of deep-sea oil and gas platforms has to be operated in a challenging environment due to the impact of waves, wind, salt water, as well as the distance fromRead More

GlobeCore hosted a reception for Turkish guests on April 27, 2015. Representatives of Andritz Hydro LTD. STI and representatives of General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, Dams and HEPP Department arrived to test CMM-8.0 oil purifier. General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works is the main administrative state agency, organized under a Ministry of Environment ofRead More

Early December 2014, representatives of GlobeCore visited Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). The conference was dedicated to solving the problems of the energy industry. The event was held at a high level. The participants listened to reports, accompanied by discussions. GlobeCore representative speech was no exception. It was a presentation on purification and recovery ofRead More